また、12月のナーシングホーム訪問に向けた練習もスタートしました。先週は「O Holy Night」、今週は「Carol of the Bell」の譜読みを行いました。 今年初挑戦の「Carol of the Bell」、なかなか手ごわそうですが、練習を重ねていきましょう~。

※メンバー限定 動画リンクここから※
- パスワードは伝助と同じ
Chorus members celebrated Mr. Toda's birthday with a cupcake and small cakes during our rehearsal. Happy Birthday, Mr. Toda!
We are going to have a busy season - performance at "Respect for the Aged Day" in September and performance at a local church in October. We also started to practice to sing Christmas songs (O Holy Night, Carol of the Bell) for nursing home visitation coming in December. The chorus members are working hard to deliver Christmas cheer through songs!