We are so hungry after singing! It's time for lunch!!
Looking for lunch away from the noisy and pricy restaurant? BridgePoint Church, which generously offer a wonderful rehearsal room for us, warmly welcomes everyone to have lunch with them.
Lunch is served the first Thursday of every month from 11:30 to 12:30 pm. The lunch is $10 including drink and delicious dessert! The website of the church says that for every lunch purchased, a meal will be donated to Star of Hope to feed Houston’s homeless.

Chorus members enjoy the delicious lunch after our rehearsal. We are so grateful to have been given such an opportunity to relax and enjoy the meal in the peaceful atmosphere. Come and join us next time!
練習場所を提供下さっているBridgePoint Churchでは、毎月第一木曜日の11時半から12時半まで、コミュニティの皆さんにランチを提供しています。飲み物、デザート付きで10ドルです。