Today is “Risshun”- the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese lunar calendar.
Wind is still cold – but spring is approaching slowly and surely!
“Ode to Early Spring(早春賦)”,which we are practicing for coming performance right now describes the feeling that we may have in this season.
作詞・吉丸一昌 作曲・中田章
春は名のみの 風の寒さや
谷の鶯 歌は思えど
時にあらずと 声も立てず
時にあらずと 声も立てず
氷融け去り 葦は角ぐむ
さては時ぞと 思うあやにく
今日も昨日も 雪の空
今日も昨日も 雪の空
春と聞かねば 知らでありしを
聞けば急かるる 胸の思いを
いかにせよとの この頃か
いかにせよとの この頃か
Ode to Early Spring
Translated by Caroline E. Kano
The spring is but a name in the chill of the wind,
The bush warbler in the valley, though longing to sing,
Finds still it is too soon to trill his song,
Finds still it is too soon to trill his song.
The pond ice thaws, and reeds begin to sprout,
“Oh, spring has come at last,” I rejoice, yet, alas!
Today, as yesterday, the sky is filled with snow,
Today, as yesterday, the sky is filled with snow.
If I had not heard ’twas spring, I would not know,
Yet now I’ve heard, my heart impatiently takes flight!
Oh, how should I bide this wondrous time?
Oh, how should I bide this wondrous time?
O Lex Dictionary: 「連載 続・日本の歌」より